
Site commissioning will start with introduction of the "Travelling Module". The main purpose of the "Travelling Module" exercise is to make sure that every potential commissioning site is familiar with the basic operation of the RD53A chip with either YARR or BDAQ setups and the results from the essential tuning protocols match the results of other sites. Common chip sent around should help unify setups across the institutes and help everyone to get up and running while ensuring consistent results.

Structure of this documentation

This readTheDocs should be followed sequentially for new institutes.

If you are already have an established SCC testing site, please briefly review the experimental setup, but feel free to skip ahead to the Testing Procedure.

Documentation structure:

Information and Support


For RD53A specific questions please consult the testing twiki. There is also a Mattermost team on RD53A Testing.

Travelling Module

There is an ITkPixel Mattermost team with a channel on the travelling module for quick support. Join here.


Please use release v1.1.0. General YARR documentation can be found on readthedocs. For YARR specific questions and problems there is a Mattermost channel for discussions.


Please use travelling_module branch. Instructions can be found here with additional information on the wiki.

Contact details

  • You can find the participating institutes and their contact details on the sign-up sheet, which is closed for editing, but commenting is still possible.
  • The current schedule can be found here. There is also a copy of the contact information of the participating institutes. Please check for the correctness and if necessary, provide feedback to Lingxin. We will encounter delays. If experienced institutes finish with the tests earlier, please post the chip straight away to the next institute.
  • On "Travel Pack" reception, please fill the table here. Also review the table once you completed work with the "Travelling Module".